The Sparrow

July 13, 2021

A Poem By Kristina

I was out one evening a month ago, waiting to take pictures of the Meadowlark that hangs out in the fields close by our house. I waited for hours to get a perfect shot and was feeling rather frustrated because it was so elusive and I just couldn’t seem to get anywhere close enough to get a picture.

It was at this moment exactly that a vesper sparrow landed almost in front of me and immediately I heard the Father say, “This is for you. Remember how much I care about you and am watching over you. Don’t forget to notice what is right in front of you. I made this for you.”

This is where these words come from. Ever since than, I have a new appreciation for all the little sparrows that hang out along the fence rows and I remember those words spoken to my heart from my Father.

Its also a reminder to take in the simple things. We want the bold, the bright, the big and important, and all that time we are missing the simplicity of what is right in front of us. Sometimes, now , when I’m frustrated and out of sorts because I’ve not been able to get the photos I wanted, I just go look for sparrows. And everything is ok again.

Out in the meadows, in evening's soft glow,
The wind in my hair, and grass on my toes. 
'Neath a quiet summer sky, in the sounds of the eve,
In the the depths of Creation, that the Master has weaved.
The sounds and the colors of Creations best hours,
From the earth, to the mountains, To the trees and the flowers.
To the colorful birds, and the bright butterflies,
To the creek that meanders, to the bright, azure skies.
I pondered it all, How can it be, 
That the Lord of this beauty, Cares also for me? 
How did He make me to enjoy what He made?
Why does He watch so for someone like me? 
Not a moment goes by that He's not right by my side,
And how can it be that He'd call me His bride?!
Me?! A pure country girl, in shorts and in boots,
With dirt on my face and my hair all askew?!
I pondered in wonder how the Lord of earth, 
Looks at me as daughter, and never questions my worth. 
For as sure as I'm breathing He's made me for this,
And, O God forbid that this time here I'd miss. 
For God in His wisdom needed someone like me
To enjoy what He made and to see what He sees. 
It helps me remember my value in Him, 
For the eternal perspective to never grow dim. 
Ahh...its a sparrow, so drab and so small...
Oh but its created by God! Wait! Its not drab at all!
And just as a reminder, I took photos of this,
For as the Father is watching, and not one does He miss. 
How much more is He watching and caring for me,
Not one moment passes that He doesn't see.
And I kneel in the grass in my shorts and my boots,
With dirt on my face, and my hair all askew,
I thank my Creator For loving me so,
A simple country girl, in love with her Lord. 
 - KFM July 2021 

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The Sparrow

The Sparrow

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