A Montana Summer

January 12, 2022

That's right. Here we are in the middle of winter, with almost a 2 feet of snow on the ground and I'm thinking about summer. Don't get me wrong. I am grateful for our winter and the snow days but on some days I get just a little bit impatient for those hot summer days, whether it's working outside or hiking or just simply enjoying the birds and butterflies and flowers of my favorite season.

This blog is a collection of some of my favorite summer photos from 2021. I always think our summers here are exceptionally beautiful with long hot days and cool nights. Without the humidity from the southern culture I grew up in, I find that being outside is my preference in the summer. I have lots of photo opportunities as well making it even more enjoyable for me. :)

Harvesting garden things.
Swallowtail on Zinnia and a white-tailed buck at dusk.
Dragon fly and summer views from home.
Tree swallows and female rufous hummingbirds at the feeder
Rufous hummingbird on zinnia.
Evening Grosbeak at the feeder
Canada goose and babies resting and sunning themselves amongst the daisies.
Ross Creek Cedars
My nephew Brian
My niece, Anita

As I read once, "Every summer has a story. " Every one of these pictures tell a story. In fact, I have literally hundreds and hundreds of pictures from this summer and these are only to give you a tiny glimpse into the story of my summer. From fresh garden produce, to the smell of fresh hay to the abundance of birds and butterflies, to fun times with family and friends, summer really does tell a story.

I am grateful for the memories of 2021 and that I can look back on these photos fondly and remember how blessed I am!

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